The Best Items to Keep on Your ATV

The Best Items to Keep on Your ATV

The key to planning a successful ATV trip, whether as a group or by yourself, is preparation. As with anything, taking a little time beforehand to ensure that you will have everything that you need to keep you comfortable and safe during your adventure! The following are items that you may consider bringing to have on hand during your excursion.

Winch & Tow Straps

These are very common among ATV riders and are very important to have on hand, especially if traveling by yourself. Getting stuck can mean the end of your adventure and depending on where you're located when it happens, could set the stage for a very bad day.

Waterproof Box

This is such an important item to have! It will keep your wallet, keys, phone, and anything else nice and dry and ready to use. Having these items can save you the trouble of finding a stranger's house and asking to borrow money for gas or a phone to call a friend for help.

Portable Jump Box

Batteries die, and that’s all it can take to ruin your day of adventure! A compact jump started can be worth its weight in gold if this happens while out in the wilderness or off the beaten path somewhere. The newer portable jump boxes are so small they can fit into a waterproof box, making it very easy to carry around.


Water is always a must to have on hand during any type of outdoor activity, and it's very nice if you plan to be out for an extended period of time. Having water, cool drinks, and food will let you spend more time focused on your journey than worrying about getting back in time for lunch. It may also be your saving grace in the event you get lost or stranded.

Tire Patch Kit

Some terrain that you challenge yourself and your ATV with may be harsh on your tires, so a flat is the most likely reason for an interruption in your adventure. A tire patch kit is a MUST anytime your activities include anything with wheels.

Extra Gas

It is always a good idea to check the gas gauge before you go anywhere, but having a small container full of gas can be a life-saver. Even if you don't end up needing it yourself, you could help a fellow ATV rider out if you happen to come across someone who wasn't as prepared.

Survival Kit

Anytime you partake in outside activities, it is imperative that you bring along some version of a survival kit "just in case." Some of the most common items for your kit includes some type of fire starter, such as waterproof matches or a lighter, a knife, which can be used for many things, a first aid kit, for those cuts and scrapes, and as mentioned before, emergency food and water.

Basically, go over the day in your head. Think about what could go wrong and then plan how you would overcome it. And don’t forget to bring your ATV loading ramps along to make transportation to and from your home easier and safer! Once your planning is complete, leave those negative thought behind and enjoy your ATV adventure!

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